Posted September 01, 2016
- Congratulations Calvin Little on your Retirement! Cal was the Executive Director at LAF from 2009—2016.
- Joyce Nixon will take on the role of Executive Director at Life After Fifty.
- Jill Cadarette will take on the role of Director of Programs & Services.
- Suzanne Poirier will take on the role of Program & Wellness Coordinator.
- Welcome to the team Michelle Micallef (our student from St. Clair College last year)! Michelle joins LAF as a Program Assistant.
- Welcome to the team Leo Gill! Leo joins the Our West End Neighbourhood Renewal Initiative as an Outreach Coordinator.
- Welcome to the team Mary Laslett! Mary comes to us as part of a partnership with CMHA in our Finance Department.
- The LAF team looks forward to welcoming many students this year as well. Please join us in welcoming them to LAF!