Posted October 10, 2017
On Friday September 29, our Life After Fifty Choir performed with the
John Campbell PS during the celebration of the Windsor-Essex
International Day of Older Persons.
What started out as a chilly new Fall day, turned quite warm with the sun shining on us. The ceremony was MC'd by Larry Duffield of CARP Windsor. In addition to our singing, we were entertained by the
Diplomats Drum and Bugle team - they looked marvelous too in their tuxedos with gold trim cummerbunds and flag dance team. We were touched by the speeches from young people who spoke on the love and caring they have for their grandparents.
Following the ceremony we had a light lunch at
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church with the organizers, contributers, and audience.
A big thank you to
CARP, The City of Windsor, Age Friendly Windsor and other organizations for bringing us together.
Our choir has a great time performing and we would like everyone to hear us sing! Join us for our Fall concert on October 21 at 2:00 at our West Side Centre - tickets are only $15.00. Call (519) 254-1108 to order.