Posted September 08, 2017
On August 11, we held a LAF Fundraiser at the Moose Lodge. The entertainment was provided by Tributes for Charity, a talented group of local singers who help charities and not-for-profits raise funds for their organizations.
We had a sell-out crowd! We had many positive comments about the generous meal provided by the Moose Lodge, including salad, penne, roast chicken and potatoes. Cake followed with chocolate treats donated by Kensington Court Residence.
Dinner music was provided by the DJ and live singers - lots of talent in the room. The evening show featured some great tunes and these local singers put on a show! We were not disappointed with the vocal impressions like those of Patsy Cline, Frank Sinatra,Carrie Underwood, and Elvis (he didnt want to stop singing as the crowd on the dance floor wanted more!).
We had various prizes in the evening. The majority were generously donated by LAF members, Board Members, and staff. A special thanks for prize donations from the Moose Lodge, Amica Residences, Colonial Coffee and the Windsor Spitfires.
Our volunteers were very busy, by greeting at the door, promoting ticket sales and cutting cake too! Thanks to our volunteers and "on the floor" volunteers who just stepped up including LAF members, ongoing volunteers and guests.
We were asked how this great evening came about. The idea came from one of our members, Brian, who knew of Tributes for Charity and thought we could "put on a show" to fundraise for LAF. Well Brian, thanks for suggesting, because you really started something for all of us! Further thanks to Dan Kelly of Tributes for Charity, and Dan Batson, Administrator of the Moose Lodge for working with us to put on the LAF fundraiser.
For everyone who came out on Friday night, thank you for making this event a success to raise funds for older adults in Windsor. You just helped Life After Fifty to deliver on needed programs and services.