Welcome to the Team!

Welcome to the Team!
Posted August 21, 2015
Please welcome our new staff members: Jill, Meagan & Mouna to our centres.

Jill will be heading our community support program as the Community Wellness Manager.

Meagan will be workings as part of Our West End initiative as the Outreach Coordinator, and

Mouna will be helping out with our evening and Saturday programs, as one of our Program Coordinators. 

New: Changes to LAF Transportation Service

New: Changes to LAF Transportation Service
Posted August 07, 2015

 Life After Fifty and the Community Support Centre of Essex County are continuously exploring opportunities to improve the client experience in all of the programs that we both deliver. A key component of this process is to look for ways to ensure clients receive the best possible care and the best value for money. The best way we have found to do this is through partnership.

Therefore, effective August 10, 2015 the transportation services currently operated by Life After Fifty will be delivered by our CareLink partner through the Community Support Centre of Essex County. 

What this means for current LAF transportation clients is:
  • Continuity of service
  • The same great service that you are accustomed to
  • Transportation will be provided by the same drivers and staff team that you have come to know and trust (wherever possible)
  • The $15.00 fee-for-service you currently pay will not change
The Community Support Centre of Essex County will provide the excellent transportion services you are accustomed to. This opportunity offers Life After Fifty the chance to focus more resoures on programs that are better aligned to our strategic plan.

Our West End: Light The Night!

Our West End: Light The Night!
Posted July 31, 2015
Three Easy Steps to Stay Safe: 
- Turn your porch light on 
- Trim bushes close to house 
- Share this information with your neighbours

For more info: 

The Windsor Essex Commuinty Foundation Wants to Hear From YOU!

The Windsor Essex Commuinty Foundation Wants to Hear From YOU!
Posted July 23, 2015
The Windsor Essex Commuinty Foundation Invites You to: 
Take the Vital Signs Survey 2015!
The purpose of the Vital Signs® Survey is to collect data of Windsor-Essex residents’ views of local issues affecting their community. The results from this survey are combined with local and national data to provide residents with an all-encompassing “community check-up” on important issue areas affecting their community. The results from this survey will be used to construct the Vital Signs® Report, which will be released on October 6, 2015, highlighting local trends, with the intent to engage our community in the on-going dialogue about who we are, what we do, why we do it, and where it can lead. The Vital Signs® Report is the voice of the Windsor-Essex Community.

Take the survey now! 

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey and assist us in building this valuable report!

Walkabouts Club - Summer Hiatus

Walkabouts Club - Summer Hiatus
Posted July 11, 2015
Our Walkabouts Club does not meet during the Summer due to the hot & humid weather conditions. Walks will resume in September after Labour Day weekend. 
Support LAF!

Support LAF!

Beautiful Adult Colouring Books - on sale now at LAF. Proceeds support programs & services. $14/ each. 

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Be Well Expo 2

Be Well Expo 2

Save the date for our 2nd Annual Be Well Expo! 

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Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch

Did you know that LAF offers weekly Therapeutic Touch sessions? Book your session today! 

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