United Nations International Day of Elder Persons

Date of Event: October 01, 2015
Date Ending: October 02, 2015
October 1st
CARP Invites You!
United Nations International Day of Elder Persons
25th Anniversary

Details: CITY HALL SQUARE - October 1st - 1pm - 3pm

Join CARP Windsor-Essex Chapter 7 as they celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations International Day of Elder Persons and National Seniors Day, Windsor, Ontario with a flag raising, singing of "Oh Canada" and greetings from a number of speakers. 
Theme: “ Canada Needs A Seniors Strategy”
Meet the Candidates before October's election!

For the full event agenda, click here

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Beautiful Adult Colouring Books - on sale now at LAF. Proceeds support programs & services. $14/ each. 

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Be Well Expo 2

Be Well Expo 2

Save the date for our 2nd Annual Be Well Expo! 

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Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch

Did you know that LAF offers weekly Therapeutic Touch sessions? Book your session today! 

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