Master Your Health Workshop:

Date of Event: September 15, 2015
Date Ending: October 20, 2015
Master Your Health helps people with chronic health conditions to better manage their symptoms and their daily life. The workshop teaches skills for living a healthy life including: healthy eating; exercise; pain and fatigue management; stress management; communicating with your healthcare professional; managing medications; and planning and problem solving. Participants take an active role in the workshop. They set individual goals each week and work to accomplish their goals throughout the following week. Participants are asked to share their goals and progress with the group.  Please contact WECHC to register 1-855-3605 or Limited spots available.

When: Sept. 15 - Oct.20
Where: West side centre
Time: 9:00-11:30
Cost: FREE

FREE Wine & Cheese Happy Hour

FREE Wine & Cheese Happy Hour
Date of Event: October 01, 2015
Date Ending: October 02, 2015
Details: WEST SIDE CENTRE - October 1 - 5 -6pm

Stop by after work for some wine & cheese and hear all about the launch of the exciting LAF all the way to the Bank lottery!


United Nations International Day of Elder Persons

Date of Event: October 01, 2015
Date Ending: October 02, 2015
October 1st
CARP Invites You!
United Nations International Day of Elder Persons
25th Anniversary

Details: CITY HALL SQUARE - October 1st - 1pm - 3pm

Join CARP Windsor-Essex Chapter 7 as they celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the United Nations International Day of Elder Persons and National Seniors Day, Windsor, Ontario with a flag raising, singing of "Oh Canada" and greetings from a number of speakers. 
Theme: “ Canada Needs A Seniors Strategy”
Meet the Candidates before October's election!

For the full event agenda, click here

Community Pig Roast

Community Pig Roast
Date of Event: October 03, 2015
Date Ending: October 04, 2015
Please join us! Contact Tammy for tickets at (519) 254 1108 

Afternoon with Timeless Classics

Date of Event: October 06, 2015
Date Ending: October 07, 2015
:  First Tuesday of each month, join us for the enjoyable afternoon spent watching one of the timeless classics on a big screen.   Popcorn is available to purchase before the movie.  This month, we will watch “Imitation of Life” from 1959 starring Lana Turner and John Gavin.

When: Oct.6
Where: East Side Centre
Time: 12:30 - 3:00
Cost: $0.00 members / $5.00 non members
Support LAF!

Support LAF!

Beautiful Adult Colouring Books - on sale now at LAF. Proceeds support programs & services. $14/ each. 

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Be Well Expo 2

Be Well Expo 2

Save the date for our 2nd Annual Be Well Expo! 

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Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch

Did you know that LAF offers weekly Therapeutic Touch sessions? Book your session today! 

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