​Falls Prevention Quick-Screen: FREE - West Side Centre

Date of Event: August 28, 2017
Date Ending: August 28, 2017

Anyone can fall, but as one ages, the risk increases such as changes in vision and balance. Falls are the leading cause of serious injury among seniors (e.g., those over the age of 65).The good news is most falls can be prevented. Please register at reception.  Screening provided by the WECHU.

Date: Monday, Aug 28         
Time: 12:00-3:00   
Location: West Side Centre     
Cost: $0 members/ $0 non-members

Summer Potluck at the East Side Centre

Date of Event: August 29, 2017
Date Ending: August 29, 2017
Join us for a great meal and afternoon spent in friendly company.  Please bring your
favourite dish (enough to feed at least 4 people).  Sign-up list is available at reception. 
Date: Tuesday, August 29                        
Time: 12:00                          
Location: East Side Centre         
Cost: Your  Fabulous Dish!

Craft Drop-In Wednesdays - West Side Centre

Craft Drop-In Wednesdays - West Side Centre
Date of Event: August 30, 2017
Date Ending: September 06, 2017
It's back and at a new time!  Come in for an afternoon of craft making and fun.  The crafts you make will be available for purchase at the Centres or  the LAF Annual Bazaar!  Crafts will vary week-to-week. 

Date:  Wednesdays
Time: 1:00 to 3:00 
Location: West Side Centre
Cost: $0 members/ $5 non-members
Support LAF!

Support LAF!

Beautiful Adult Colouring Books - on sale now at LAF. Proceeds support programs & services. $14/ each. 

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Be Well Expo 2

Be Well Expo 2

Save the date for our 2nd Annual Be Well Expo! 

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Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch

Did you know that LAF offers weekly Therapeutic Touch sessions? Book your session today! 

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