Date of Event: May 05, 2021
Date Ending: May 12, 2021
Please join this two-part presentation being offered on Seniors' Centre Without Walls on May 5 and 12 by Therapeutic Touch Practitioners
What is Therapeutic Touch?
What are the benefits of Therapeutic Touch?
What can you expect if you have a Therapeutic Touch session?
You will have an opportunity to sense your own energy field and to ask questions about this complementary healing modality that is recognized by many health care professionals and hospices across Ontario.
In Part 2 on May 12, we will examine the phases of Therapeutic Touch- Centering, Assessment/Reassessment, Rebalancing, Ending and Reflection and share some self-help tips.
To join on the date of the time event, dial 1-866-279-1594 and use passcode 220607 then press # key after the code.
For more information on our virtual programs, call 519-254-1108.